FR Module

The Facial Recognition (FR) CORTROL module guarantees system performance and reliability by incorporating live face detection, simultaneous recognition of multiple faces, and rapid face matching in both 1-to-1 and 1-to-many modes. It is designed to work with CORTROL VMS Server and CORTROL Global Servers.

The Ganz CORTROL Facial Recognition (FR) advanced computational neural network AI engine and application are ideally suited for human resource control, security, and enforcement applications.


  • Works with thousands of IP and analog cameras
  • Simultaneous multiple video streams processing
  • Ultra-fast face detection and matching against the database using DNN
  • Flexible rule configuration for triggered faces
  • Licensing options can include from 100 up to 10,000,000 number of faces*

*Server hardware performance must comply with recommendations


  • Quick and convenient search and browsing of recognized license plates
  • No hardware dependencies (any cameras, any GPU)
  • Quick and convenient face registration and search
  • Simultaneous multiple face processing in live video
  • Storing recognized faces images on local or central database
  • Relies on Ganz CORTROL servers for live and recorded video streams
  • Process unlimited video streams from multiple Ganz CORTROL servers
  • Quick and simple installation with a ready-to-go database
  • Tolerant to skin tone, facial expression, and changes in appearance
  • Seamless integration with Ganz CORTROL and 3rd party services

Get in touch today to learn more.