Control Module for D2PD Emergency Communications System
Ganz D2PD® powered by Go2Blu® is an Emergency Communications Technology for Active Shooter/Armed Intruder incidents. Utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT), D2PD alerts vital staff in a School/Facility and EVERY Police 911 Dispatcher, Mobile Patrol Vehicle, and connected desktop in less than 1 Second.
-Add-on Capabilities with D2PD-
Automatically put the school into lock-down in 1/4 of 1 second.
Automatically make a public address pre-recorded announcement that the school is in lock-down in 1/4 of 1 second.
Automatically broadcast pre-determined messages across all IPTV and digital signage in the school in 1/4 of 1 second
Automatically activate active shooter prisms as a visual indication of an on-going active shooter event in the school in 1/4 of 1 second.
Automatically provide the police department with emergency operations procedures and school plans in 1/4 of 1 second.
See D2PD Hardware and Product Packages for a full list of optional add-on modules.
Companion products contain accessories, options and additional products that work well with
Consider the following replacement products for the
which contain many of the same features and more.